1885 - La Cuisine Creole

Roast Goose with Sage and Onion


Culinary Articles » Old Recipes and Ancient Recipes » 1885 - La Cuisine Creole Recipes

1885 - La Cuisine Creole
Roast Goose with Sage and Onion

Draw a fine fat goose, stuff it with a seasoning of the following mixture:
Take four onions, peel them and boil them ten minutes in plenty of water
to take from them the strong taste.
When the onions have boiled take them from the fire, chop fine,
and add to them a large spoonful of sage leaves dried and powdered,
then add a cupful of stale white bread crumbs,
a teaspoon of black pepper,
a little cayenne,
and a teaspoon of salt.
Mix all together with a cup of milk or beef water, and stuff the goose with it.
Put it in the oven and brown it nicely;
baste often with butter;
when done dish it with its own rich brown gravy,
and send to table with a boat of apple sauce.