1913 - Dishes and Beverages of the Old South

Salt Rising Bread


Culinary Articles » Old Recipes and Ancient Recipes » 1913 - Dishes and Beverages of the Old South Recipes

1913 - Dishes and Beverages of the Old South
Salt Rising Bread

(As Mammy Made It.)

Scald a tablespoonful of sifted corn-meal,
and a teaspoonful--heaped--of salt
with a pint of boiling water,
let stand ten minutes, then stir in, taking care to mix smooth,
enough dried and sifted flour to make a thick batter.
Damp flour will not rise.
The batter should be almost thick enough to hold the mixing spoon upright--
but not quite thick enough. Set the mixture in warm water--
just as hot as you can bear your hand in.
Keep up the heat steadily, but never make too hot--scalding ruins everything.
Keep lightly covered, and away from draughts.
Look in after an hour--if water has risen on top, stir in more flour.
Watch close--in six hours the yeast should be foamy-light.
Have ready three quarts of dry sifted flour,
make a hole in the center of it,
pour in the yeast,
add a trifle more salt,
a tablespoonful sugar,
and half a cup of lard.
Work all together to a smooth dough,
rinsing out the vessel that has held the yeast,
with warm not hot water to finish the mixing.
Divide into loaves, put in greased pans, grease lightly over the top,
and set to rise, in gentle heat.
When risen bake with steady quick heat.
Take from pans hot, and cool between folds of clean cloth, spread upon a rack,
or else turn the loaves edgewise upon a clean board, and cover with cheese cloth.

To make supper-rolls,shape some of the dough into balls, brush over with melted butter,
set in a deep pan, just so they do not touch, raise and bake the same as bread.
Dough can be saved over for breakfast rolls, by keeping it very cold,
and working in at morning, a tiny pinch of soda before shaping the balls.