1913 - Dishes and Beverages of the Old South



Culinary Articles » Old Recipes and Ancient Recipes » 1913 - Dishes and Beverages of the Old South Recipes

1913 - Dishes and Beverages of the Old South

Smother quail the same as rabbits.
I like them better halved, and fried crisp and quickly, in deep hot bacon fat.
But to make the most of them, a pie's the thing.
The crust must be rich and rolled a quarter-inch thick.
Put in the birds whole, seasoning them well inside and out, with salt and black pepper.
Put in also generous lumps of butter rolled in flour, slices of fat bacon,
strips of crust an inch wide and three inches long, a little minced onion,
celery or shredded green pepper if the flavors are approved,
and a tiny pod of Cayenne pepper.
Pour in cold water till it stands half way up the birds.
Be sure the cover-crust is plenty big--pinch it down tight,
prick and make a cross-cut at the center into which a tubelet
of paper must be thrust to prevent the gravy's boiling over.
Bake three-quarters of an hour, in a hot oven.
Take up, and serve very hot.
A gill of hot cream poured in through a funnel after
taking up suits some palates-- mine is not among them.
Other folks like a wineglass of sherry made very hot.