1913 - Dishes and Beverages of the Old South

Possum Roasted


Culinary Articles » Old Recipes and Ancient Recipes » 1913 - Dishes and Beverages of the Old South Recipes

1913 - Dishes and Beverages of the Old South
Possum Roasted

Chill thoroughly after scraping and drawing.
Save all the inside fat, let it soak in weak salt water until cooking time,
then rinse it well, and partly try it out in the pan before putting in the possum.
Unless he is huge, leave him whole, skewering him flat,
and laying him skin side up in the pan.
Set in a hot oven and cook until crisply tender, taking care there is no scorching.
Roast a dozen good sized sweet potatoes--in ashes if possible,
if not, bake them covered in a deep pan.
Peel when done, and lay while hot around the possum,
turning them over and over in the abundant gravy.
He should have been lightly salted when hung up,
and fully seasoned, with salt, pepper,
and a trifle of mustard, when put down to cook.
Dish him in a big platter, lay the potatoes, which should be partly browned, around him,
add a little boiling water to the pan, shake well around, and pour the gravy over everything.
Hot corn bread, strong black coffee, or else sharp cider,
and very hot sharp pickles are the things to serve with him.