1913 - Dishes and Beverages of the Old South

Fig Pudding


Culinary Articles » Old Recipes and Ancient Recipes » 1913 - Dishes and Beverages of the Old South Recipes

1913 - Dishes and Beverages of the Old South
Fig Pudding

(Mrs. R. Heim.)

One pound figs,
half pound suet,
six eggs,
two cups sugar,
three cups biscuits crumbs.
Run figs, suet and crumbs through grinder,
beat eggs very light,
add other ingredients,
beat again, and steam or boil in buttered mold,
tied in well scalded bag, four hours.

Serve hot with this sauce.
Beat to a light cream,
one cup butter
with two cups sugar.
Add two eggs very well beaten,
then gradually two tablespoons vinegar
and one of vanilla.
Cook a long time in double boiler, stirring constantly,
or it will not be smooth.
Keep hot until served.