1913 - Dishes and Beverages of the Old South

Drip Coffee


Culinary Articles » Old Recipes and Ancient Recipes » 1913 - Dishes and Beverages of the Old South Recipes

1913 - Dishes and Beverages of the Old South
Drip Coffee

Two things are essential--an absolutely clean urn, and sound coffee,
freshly parched, and ground neither too fine nor too coarse.
The water must be freshly boiled.
Put a cup of ground coffee in the strainer,
pour upon it about two tablespoonfuls of boiling water,
let it stand until the water drips through and there is no more bubbling,
then pour on more water, but not too much, let it drip,
keeping both the strainer and the spout covered to prevent the loss of aroma.
Repeat until you have used almost five cups of water--
this for four cups of strained coffee, as the grounds hold part of the water.
Keep the pot hot while the dripping goes on, but never where the coffee will boil.
If it dyes the cups it is too strong, but beware of making too weak.