1913 - Dishes and Beverages of the Old South

Banana Pudding


Culinary Articles » Old Recipes and Ancient Recipes » 1913 - Dishes and Beverages of the Old South Recipes

1913 - Dishes and Beverages of the Old South
Banana Pudding

Slice very thin, crosswise, three medium size bananas,
sprinkle thickly with sugar,
then add to a batter made by beating up four egg yolks and two whites,
with one cup crumbled rich stale cake,
half-cup sugar,
cup very rich milk,
and the juice of a large lemon.
Mix smooth, pour into a deep pudding dish, and bake in a quick oven,
then cover with meringue made from the egg-whites left out,
beaten up with a small pinch of salt,
two teaspoons cold water,
and six tablespoonfuls of sugar.
Return to the oven and let barely color.
Serve hot or cold.