1914 - Chinese-Japanese Cook Book

Chinese - Sweet and Pungent Chicken


Culinary Articles » Old Recipes and Ancient Recipes » 1914 - Chinese-Japanese Cook Book Recipes

1914 - Chinese-Japanese Cook Book
Chinese - Sweet and Pungent Chicken

Three and one half pound chicken;
one dessert-spoonful of salt;
two tablespoonfuls of sugar;
two cupfuls of vinegar;
one half onion;
one tablespoonful of sweet lard;
two tablespoonfuls of syou.

Take a young chicken of about three and one half pounds.
Clean and singe it, and remove all the bones.
Lay in a stone dish and over it pour (enough to cover well)
a mixture of two cupfuls of boiling vinegar,
a dessert-spoonful of salt,
and two tablespoonfuls of sugar.
Cover, and put away in a cool place for twenty-four hours.
Prepare a brown gravy by chopping half an onion and
frying it a light brown in sweet lard or chicken fat.
Cut the chicken into quarters,
and put in a pan with two tablespoonfuls of syou.
Simmer for half an hour very gently.
Serve with rice.