1798 - American Cookery

A Rice Pudding


Culinary Articles » Old Recipes and Ancient Recipes » 1798 - American Cookery Recipes

1390 - American Cookery
A Rice Pudding

One quarter of a pound rice,
a stick of cinnamon,
to a quart of milk (stired often to keep from burning) and boil quick,
cool and add half a nutmeg,
4 spoons rose-water,
8 eggs;
butter or puff paste a dish and pour the above composition into it,
and bake one and half hour.

No. 2.
Boil 6 ounces rice in a quart milk, on a slow fire 'till tender,
stir in one pound butter,
interim beet 14 eggs,
add to the pudding when cold with sugar,
rose-water and
spices to your taste,
adding raisins or currants bake as No. 1.

No. 3.
8 spoons rice boiled in 2 quarts milk,
when cooled, add 8 eggs,
6 ounces butter,
sugar and
q: s: bake 2 hours.

No. 4.
Boil in water half pound ground rice till soft,
add 2 quarts milk and scald,
cool and add 8 eggs,
6 ounces butter,
1 pound raisins,
and a small nutmeg,
bake 2 hours.

No. 5.
A cheap one, half pint rice,
2 quarts milk,
put cold into a hot oven,
bake 2 and half hours.

No. 6.
Put 6 ounces rice into water, or milk and water,
let it swell or soak tender, then boil gently, stirring in a little butter,
when cool stir in a quart cream,
6 or 8 eggs well beaten,
and add cinnamon,
and sugar
to your taste,

N. B.
The mode of introducing the ingredients, is a material point;
in all cases where eggs are mentioned it is understood to be well beat;
whites and yolks and the spices, fine and settled.