1902 - With a Saucepan Over the Sea

Greece - Callalou


Culinary Articles » Old Recipes and Ancient Recipes » 1902 - With a Saucepan Over the Sea Recipes

1902 - With a Saucepan Over the Sea
Greece - Callalou

Cut into slices two dozen ochra pods,
add a little salt, and set aside for 15 minutes.
Then wash them with warm water, drain, and boil until tender.
Drain them once more;
add two handfuls of string beans, sliced and cooked.
Cut also 2 egg plants into squares,
5 large tomatoes,
and slice 2 large onions,
and core and slice 2 green peppers.
Cook all of these in butter or dripping, stirring until almost dry;
season, add some chopped parsley, cook 10 minutes more, and serve hot.