1881 - What Mrs. Fisher Knows About Old Southern Cooking

Game Sauce


Culinary Articles » Old Recipes and Ancient Recipes » 1881 - What Mrs. Fisher Knows About Old Southern Cooking Recipes

1881 - What Mrs. Fisher Knows About Old Southern Cooking
Game Sauce

Take one peck of plums,
half dozen silver skin onions and chop them very fine;
put on the plums to cook.
First seed plums;
use a porcelain kettle;
put the onions to stew in a pint of vinegar until thoroughly done,
then add them to the plums;
four pounds of granulated sugar to be added;
season with one teaspoonful of cayenne pepper,
one of black pepper,
two ounces of cinnamon broke in fine pieces;
cook on a slow fire, stir frequently to avoid burning--
one teaspoonful of table salt--
it will take one whole day to cook;
when cool cork in a tight jar and keep in cool closet--
you will find it the best sauce in the world.