Preparation of Stock or Broth
For Soups, Pilafs and Other Dishes.
Use always the bones, especially from the leg or aitchbone of Beef, the tail or any other meat trimmings. Wash them once or twice and leave in plain water for one-half hour. Then, after adding to it as much water as the quantity of the meat or bones requires, boil the whole in a large vessel, over a moderate fire, taking the scum off as it boils. During the boiling, cut into it one dry onion, one carrot, one bunch of parsley, a pinch of salt and two or three stalks of celery. After the contents of the vessel come to a boil, place it to one side of the stove fire, and leave it to simmer for three or four hours. This broth should always be strained, when used for soups, and more water can be added to the vessel for secondary purposes, as for the use of Pilafs and other dishes. In extracting broth from fowls for soup, do not use any of the vegetables mentioned above. |