Oyster Gumbo
1 large chicken,
1 can of oysters, 1/2 pound of boiled ham, 2 quarts of boiling water, 1 bunch of summer savory, 1 bunch of parsley, 1 tablespoonful of file powder, Salt, black and cayenne pepper to the taste.
Divide the chicken, skin and flour each piece well;
cut the ham in dice, and, with a cooking-spoonful of butter, fry until brown. Then pour on it 2 quarts of boiling water, the bunches of summer savory and parsley tied together, salt and cayenne pepper. Let this boil slowly for 4 hours. Take out the summer savory and parsley, pull the chicken to pieces, return it to the pot, and about 15 minutes before serving heat the oysters and their liquor, and add to the soup. While they are simmering very slowly take out a teacupful of the soup and mix with the file powder. When perfectly smooth put it in the soup; let it boil up once and it will be done. Pour into a heated tureen and serve with some nicely boiled rice in another dish. |