To 8 pounds finely chopped beef
take 4 pounds of raw pork cut in small square pieces and mix both parts with half a pint of strong bouillon, one quart French brandy, pounded pepper, cloves, and salt to suit, and also saltpeter, a small quantity. Have prepared some cleaned skins of ox bowels and pack the sausage in them as compactly as possible; then tie them up, but leave a loop for the sausage to hang to when it is being smoked. When all is filled in thus, rub the sausages with some fine salt and saltpeter mixed, and put them in a proper vessel to remain there for 3 days, turning them once a day. Take it up and wipe on linen cloth; next tie some long sticks around each sausage, and hang them up to be smoked in cold smoke, which generally takes 3 whole days. Now remove the sticks and keep the sausages in cold room. |