Orange Pudding
One large orange, of a deep colour, and smooth thin rind.
One lime. A quarter of a pound of powdered white sugar. A quarter of a pound of fresh butter. Three eggs. A table-spoonful of mixed wine and brandy. A tea-spoonful of rose-water. Grate the yellow rind of the orange and lime, and squeeze the juice into a saucer or soup-plate, taking out all the seeds. Stir the butter and sugar to a cream. Beat the eggs as light as possible, and then stir them by degrees into the pan of butter and sugar. Add, gradually, the liquor and rose-water, and then by degrees, the orange and lime. Stir all well together. Have ready a sheet of puff-paste made of five ounces of sifted flour, and a quarter of a pound of fresh butter. Lay the paste in a buttered soup-plate. Trim and notch the edges, and then put in the mixture. Bake it about half an hour, in a moderate oven. Grate loaf-sugar over it, before you send it to table. |