1877 - Buckeye Cookery

Yankee Pork and Beans


Culinary Articles » Old Recipes and Ancient Recipes » 1877 - Buckeye Cookery Recipes

1877 - Buckeye Cookery
Yankee Pork and Beans

Pick over carefully a quart of beans and let them soak over night;
in the morning wash and drain in another water,
put on to boil in cold water with half a tea-spoon of soda,
boil thirty minutes,
drain and put them in an earthen pot with two table-spoons of molasses.
When half the beans are in the pot, put in the dish half or three-fourths
of a pound of well-washed salt pork with the rind cut in slices;
cover all with hot water and bake six hours or longer in a moderate oven;
they can not be baked too long.
Keep covered so that they will not burn on the top.
Serve in the dish in which they are cooked, and always have enough
left to know the luxury of cold beans, or baked beans warmed over.
If salt pork is too robust for the appetites to be served,
season delicately with salt, pepper, and a little butter,
and roast a fresh spare-rib to serve with them.