Grandmother's Bean Soup
ake one pint beans, wash well, put on to cook in one quart of cold water;
when water boils pour off and add quart cold water again; put in piece of pork the size of the hand, salt to taste; as water boils away add so as to keep covered with water; cook till the beans mash easily; beat two eggs well, add two table-spoons water and a pinch of salt, stir in flour till as stiff as can be stirred, then drop the batter with a spoon into the soup (having previously taken two-thirds of the beans out into a pan, laid the piece of pork on the top with a sprinkle of salt and pepper, and put all into the oven to brown); when the dumplings swell up, pepper slightly and the soup is done. If the pork taste is disliked use butter instead of pork. |