1840 - Directions for Cookery



Culinary Articles » Old Recipes and Ancient Recipes » 1840 - Directions for Cookery Recipes

1840 - Directions for Cookery

TAKE a pound or more of salt pork, and having half boiled it, cut it into slips,
and with some of them cover the bottom of a pot. Then strew on some sliced onion.
Have ready a large fresh cod, or an equal quantity of haddock, tutaug, or any other
firm fish. Cut the fish into large pieces, and lay part of it on the pork and onions.
Season it with pepper. Then cover it with a layer of biscuit, or crackers that have
been previously soaked in milk or water. You may add also a layer of sliced potatoes.

Next proceed with a second layer of pork, onions, fish, &c. and continue as before
till the pot is nearly full; finishing with soaked crackers. Pour in about a pint
and a half of cold water. Cover it close, set it on hot coals, and let it simmer
about an hour. Then skim it, and turn it out into a deep dish. Leave the gravy in
the pot till you have thickened it with a piece of butter rolled in flour, and some
chopped parsley. Then give it one boil up, and pour it hot into the dish.

Chowder may be made of clams, first cutting off the hard part.